
Acupuncture uses thin, sterile needles which are expertly placed at chosen acupoints to stimulate the movement of vital energy through out the organs and tissues. This helps to balance any deficiencies or excesses and clear blockages that are impeding your health. The body has a strong will to heal itself and acupuncture delivers that nudge in the right direction to create positive change in all the bodies major systems: circulatory, immune, nervous, hormone and digestive system.  What can Acupuncture treat? Find out here.

Mind and body are connected! This is one of my favorite truths of Eastern medicine and you better believe emotional stresses can manifest in the physical body and physical pain can create emotional hardships! Yeah, they knew this thousands of years ago!

 An acupuncture treatment is customized just for you. It is important to alleviate symptoms to get relief but the root cause of the imbalance needs to be addressed for lasting results. This is why I always treat both during the course of your treatment plan. Acupuncture appointments include (if necessary) cupping, gua sha, moxa, tui na, chinese herbal prescription (cost of herbs is separate).