Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is not just about the appearance of the surface of our skin but about internal health as well. This natural approach balances the whole body for the most optimal results. It is one of the only cosmetic procedures that also improves health overall. I also incorporate LED phototherapy which is a natural technology designed for acne, fine lines and wrinkles and pain. UV-free low-level light energy profoundly affects tissue at the cellular level. Light specific wavelengths are well researched and scientifically proven to produce therapeutic benefits. Blue light penetrates through the epidermis and is known to kill P. acnes bacteria. Red light penetrates into the dermal layer and has been shown to enhance collagen and elastin production through photo-biostimulation of fibroblasts for improved skin tone, quality, clarity, and texture.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatment results may include:
- Reduction in fine lines…possible disappearance
- Leveling of deeper lines. Deeper lines may never disappear completely but they can “fill up” and look softer, less harsh
- More defined jaw line
- Improvement of acne and rosacea
- Skin becomes smoother, more supple and radiant
- Overall skin tone evens out
- Age spots become faded
General health improvements have been reported to be:
Less jaw pain, less sinus congestion, improvement in hot flashes and night sweats mild anxiety resolve, more energized, improved digestion, this certainly affects what is going on in the skin and face.
Series of 10-12 treatments, 2 times a week for 5 weeks is the best way to get the most effective results from facial rejuvenation acupuncture rejuvenation.
Treatment includes: Skin prep, body acupuncture, facial acupuncture, 30min LED phototherapy, moisturizer.
Package of 10 treatments includes your 11th & 12th complimentary.
* Facial acupuncture rejuvenation is not suitable for everyone, these conditions are contraindicated:
- Migraine headaches
- Seizure disorder of any kind
- Uncontrolled hypertension
- Blood thinners, including consistent use of aspirin
- Pregnancy
- Those that have had any fillers or botox in the last 3 months